Posts Tagged ‘art’

Muse Stares at Sanity

Muse Stares at Sanity

Sanity came home today,
it was a brief visit.
Offered her tea, coffee, a brontosaurus rib?
She demurely declined all.
I tipped my top hat
and gently offered the


shaped in laughter and fear.
She accepted them,
hesitantly, excused herself,
then ran out the door.
Didn’t know anything
sane could scream such octaves.

Turned a kiss to my muse,
glad she decided to stay.

And, I’m much happier,


Rod C. Stryker


Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to announce that the Sun Poet’s Society will be having our 20th Anniversary Celebration! Olmos Pharmacy, March 14th, Saturday, starting at 8pm! Please see details below and join us as we make merry with spoken word, food, and live music! ALL are invited!

Villa Finale

Villa Finale

Napoleon leads the charge

through libraries of

Greek and Russian icons,

images depict dark scenes

next to chandelier bells.

I’m carried by

lion-footed ice chests

past creamers that moo,

pick sweet meats off

golden trays.


The Cusco art

bedazzles beside

Santos and Tiffany clocks

that chime with mysteries

of thrones and yellow rooms.


The peacock melts

the wax from

glowing glass and

Texas redbacks.


The woman suspended

from the chandelier

sings saloon songs and I hide

in the pantry

protected by guardian sculptures.


Capo-Di-Monte Mathis

overwhelms and saturates

the senses, history

drowns me and

I succumb, with a smile. 


Rod C. Stryker

Dancing for the Muse Final

art photograph by Rod C. Stryker

she waltzes through

a change-up phrase,

deep-seated metaphor,

some cliche’d sentiment,

each night

she sings hieroglyphics

born of indigestion

and anxiety

until slumber’s lake

is still, calm,

at first light,

she courts

as lover, enemy,

bares sinner and savior

w/both shoulders,

a sacrifice to memory,

every poem

she bleeds

I gain..   me


Rod C. Stryker

The poem and the art photograph were published in my book, Lucid Affairs. Hope you like it. 

If you’re interested in getting a copy, click here:

for Amiri Baraka

Radio Memories

sucked in,

swallowed whole and helpless

by his words

and rhythm to pop allusions.

Dissecting love into evol things,

staring back at me

w/eyes of Kerouac, Smith and Mandrake,

never guessing the decades of obsession

that would follow,

slaving for shadows and perfect poems,

but Poesia Perfecta can’t happen.

And he knew, he KNEW

when it was penned

that hundreds, thousands

of adolescents would be mauled by it’s lure,

the wounds left to fester,

shaping the nature of the beast.


After the words were done sandblasting

my pubescent sanity,

once wrung dry of tears and epiphanies,


a new poet was born.  


Rod C. Stryker

Amiri Baraka’s poem, In Memory of Radio: ,

opened the world of poetry for me. Prior to reading it, I was convinced that poetry was nothing but tomes written by dead, anglo men who knew nothing about our modern times. This poem along with other influences, started my path and ultimate success into the poetry and artistic world of self-expression. Radio Memories was published in my book, Exploits of a Sun Poet and I’ve also included my spoken word track of the poem that’s part of my spoken word album by the same name. Hope you like it.

Theological Musing Study Final

Theological Musings Final by Rod C. Stryker

Tore a rent

in reality today

and pulled out

all those prophets, gods

and semi-divine beings

that have been pestering

our fickle faiths

into the light of day

so they could

settle things amongst


I figured it

would spare

us lowly mortals

some grief

and give us a much

needed reprieve

from genuflection, sermons,

swearing and penitence;

as well as jihads,


and sacrifices;

not to mention deep-seated

resentments based

solely on a difference

of belief.


Once the supreme ones


I threw them back into the void

bloodied and maimed,

their divinity faded,


And for the first time,

we looked upon

one another

w/new eyes,

new hearts.

And began the

journey towards




Rod C. Stryker

This is an older piece. Seems it’s still applicable to today’s religious issues. Hope you like it.

CityScapes Study

Cityscapes Study by Rod C. Stryker

A child screams

into an August

city night.

   Footfalls echo

in the street.

   Sirens holler at

the depression

of an excited


  quick to glance

      there and here

while touching the

   steams anger.

       A holy chime


    gives rise to

       uncensored belongings,

 rectifies the righteous

       in their efforts

    to remain at

 peace. Pain settles

       this disquiet

    thunder of the

 pale moon.

       The screams stop.

   A window breaks

   the city’s back

   and runs away




Rod C. Stryker

This is an older poem. This will also appear in my forthcoming book, Native Instincts. Hope you like it.

King George's Angel Embrace Final I

King George’s Angel Embrace Final by Rod C. Stryker

It must

discourage the angel

that enfolds you,

holds you,

to watch these crimes

explode around you,

confounds her wings

in blood and rage.

A wink and a kiss

spark a flame

between guardian

and monarch


in exquisite

acts of contrition

pirouetted amongst

the bodies and souls.

Your angel’s tears

play taps

as your bombs

gouge craters

in sweet disaster.

You fan the flames

that singe her wings

against skies

rolling in

smoke and betrayal.

The burning flesh

smells like heaven

to you.

Long live the king.


Rod C. Stryker

This poem and art photograph were published in my current book, Lucid Affairs (Sun Arts Press). If you’d like to get a copy, click here:

Inkwell and feather on a old paper

because tears

need a witness in the rain

and the homeless

need a voice in the silence

to open hope’s eyes

for one more day of what-could-be

if a child

begs for love with her eyes

when a people

rise up for what is right

or a mom

takes a third job to make ends meet

will the bluebonnets

paint the fields in azul tones

if the breath

creates the life para darnos el amor

and the meaning

gets lost and found within

the always growing reasons

that I write and write and    write

by Rod C. Stryker

This is a more recent piece. Hope you like it.